Now with over 50 Reports included!!!
Just $999, The Professional version includes all the reports you see below, with the ability to add or change reports and add new ones as they become available.
There will always be the need to customize reports, or create special custom reports. In the past, when a customer would ask for a custom report, the baseline quote for such a custom built solution would be well above budget.
Analyzing what exactly made custom report creation so expensive, we realized the majority of the labor cost for writing the report was due to the user interface. Creating the SQL query and generating the crystal report template was actually less than half of the labor.
Reports Pro is the result of several years of development work, and virtually eliminates the time it takes to write a user interface for your reports. Practice selection, range and filter selection screens, and output are all automatically created for you at run time when you select a report. This allows us, or even your SQL savvy technician, to focus on creating a query for you and, if you wish, a crystal reports based report.
The best part is, the Reports Pro program comes with several reports, but at just $999, costs less than half of what a custom built report would cost. All reports have native support for Microsoft Excel output so simple reports can be created in less than 5 minutes. More elaborate reports can be given a crystal reports template, which allows you to export to word, pdf, rich text, csv, and more.
Download Version 2.6.6 Here
Below is a list of the reports we have already created in Reports Pro, but keep in mind that this list is ever growing, and that adding to this list can be done by any competent SQL technician, even one you might have on staff.
- Anesthesia Units Billed
- Appointment Collections Report
- Patient Emails by Appointments
- Attorney Statement
- A/R Totals Aging With Expected By Date 1st Billed
- Balances Due Aged by Date of Service
- Biopsy Billing Report
- Categorized Transaction Journal
- Charts and Billing Numbers
- Charge Reimbursement by Zip Code
- Detailed Charge Extraction Data with Payments
- Charges with No Locations
- Collections Export
- Procedure Reimbursement by Month
- Procedure Code Analysis Detail
- Procedure Code Analysis Summary
- Procedure Code Ledger
- Days in Aging by Date of Service
- Days in Aging by Entry Date
- Days in Aging by Billing Created Date
- Deposit Detail Report
- Deposit Summary Report
- Diagnosis Code Analysis – Top 100
- Date of Service Listing
- Facilities Charges by Insurance
- Patient Listing by Facility
- Hospitalist Charges
- Hospitalist Charge Counts
- Insurance Charge Analysis with Expected Amounts
- Linked Transaction List
- MMR / VZV Report
- Monthly Procedure Code Analysis
- Billings with Non-Zero Balances (that appear to be zero balances)
- Multi-Practice Practice Analysis
- Patient Age at Date of Service
- Patient Diagnosis Codes
- Patients By Insurance
- Patient Geographic Report With Referring Provider
- Practice List
- Payment Totals Report
- Physician Quality Reporting (PQRS) Export
- Patient List by Location
- Charges and Payments Summary by Patient Code
- Patient Mail by Appointment Dates
- Patients Billed
- Payer Mix by Category
- Payer Mix by Adjustments
- Payer Mix by Charges
- Payer Mix by Payments
- Payer Mix by Patient Chart
- Payer Mix by Visit Count
- Provider Activity Report
- Pharyngitis
- QCH Export
- Referring Physician Analysis
- Reimbursement by Diagnosis
- Reimbursement by Facility
- Reimbursement (Payment Application) Report
- Reimbursement by Facility Detail
- RVU Report
- Transaction Code by Location
- User Productivity Report
- Well Visit Report
Anesthesia Units Billed
This very specialized report allows you to see how many Anesthesia units you have billed, and even allows you to specify a reduced unit count with the “unique type of service” field in the transaction code file. If that field contains a numeric value, we will subtract that value from the “units” field for the “SCPA Unit Count” column.
Appointment Collections Report
Is your front office staff collecting all the co-pays they are supposed to? Is there a bill being created for each visit? How do you know? With the appointment collections report you now have this information available at your fingertips. This report enumerates the date of service, Chart, Patient, Appointment Status (complete or pending), billing number, the co-pay expected and the amount of patient payments collected that day all in one easy to use report. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Patient Emails by Appointments
Get a listing of those patients who have BOTH an appointment during any given time period AND have the email address filled in the patient file. Export to Excel to send out newsletters or print this report to have it handy!

Attorney Statement
This will print out a statement in the case an attorney requires one. It is specific for attorneys.
A/R Totals Aging with Expected by Date First Billed
This very detailed report works similar to the A/R management tool, and gives you a list of who owes you money, as well as the expected amounts from the fee schedules.

Balances Due Aged by Date of Service.
This is a simple Excel only report that will show you the balances due that are aged by the date of service. You can select a date of service range and show all the balances due for that range.
Biopsy Billing Report
Get a report that can be filtered on procedure code and lists Patient Name, Date of Birth, and Insurance information.

Categorized Transaction Journal
We have taken one of the most popular reports and made it better! This report works similar, but categorizes all of the transactions into their various categories of Charges, Payments, Insurance Write offs, and Adjustments, instead of the more generalized “Credits/Debits”.

Charts and Billing Numbers
This is probably the most simplistic report in the list. For a given range, it just lists the Patient’s Billing Number and the associated chart.

Charge Reimbursement by Zip Code
This report helps you focus your marketing on the geographic regions that result in the best reimbursements. You get patient, provider, referring provider, charge and payment information grouped by Zip Code.

Days in Aging by Date of Service
This report gives a good picture of how long your accounts receivable takes to get paid, by comparing the date of service of the charge to the date of the payment and putting those figures in appropriate aging buckets.

Days in Aging by Entry Date
This report gives a great picture of how your bills are aging based on a given entry date.
Days in Aging by Billing Created Date
This is a very powerful report that can show you how your bills have aged by a given Billing Created Date range. There are several other fields that you can filter by as well.
Detailed Charge Extraction Data with Payments
This Excel Report is a very detailed, containing information about every charge, as well as Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Patient Payments and all adjustments associated with each charge.

Charges with No Locations
If you need to know which billings you have created without locations assigned, this report will show you in no time flat!

Collections Export
This report contains everything you would need to work collections, including all patient and responsible party detail on all outstanding charges.

Procedure Reimbursement by Month
This report breaks down on a month by month basis the total reimbursement for each procedure you have done in that period REGARDLESS of when the payment or adjustment came in. Built in reports will tell you how much you BROUGHT IN during a given month, where this one will tell you how much you EARNED.

Procedure Code Analysis Detail
One of the nice features that Reports Pro offers is the ability to filter reports not just by the charge date, but by the payment date as well. This report not only can do that, but will break down all of the procedures you have done and what each one has been paid by insurance and patients, as well as adjustments and charge backs. This report is grouped by Provider, then Location, then Procedure.

Procedure Code Analysis Summary
This report gives at total count and amount all of the charges, insurance payments, patient payments, adjustments and charge backs by provider code, CPT code and location. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Procedure Code Ledger
This is another detailed excel export that shows payments (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Patient) and adjustments associated with charges.

Deposit Detail Report
If you ever need to reprint the deposit sheet, you cannot do this, but Reports Pro can. While the deposit summary report will more closely match, this version differs in that it will show you all of the places where a certain check was applied, so instead of grouping payments by check number it breaks out all the details.

Deposit Summary Report
A simple report that mimics the “Deposit Sheet” you would normally get when printing a Day Sheet, but adds additional details, and can be run on a monthly basis for reconciliation purposes. How do you know all the money that was SUPPOSED to go to the bank DID go to the bank? If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Diagnosis Code Analysis Top 100
With the upcoming changes to the ICD10 rules, you will need to start using more specific diagnosis codes. This report is a great place to start, as it highlights the most commonly used diagnosis codes in a given period of time.

Date of Service Listing
This report is a great way to reconcile your billings to the list of patients who came in, especially useful when the appointments are not in your PM, such as with billing services. This report lists each patient who got a billing during a given period of time.

Facilities Charges by Insurance
This report gives you the charges and procedure codes for a given time period grouped by insurance company and then facility.

Patient listing by Facility
This report lists patients by which facility they have on the “associations” tab of their chart. Great for providers who visit skilled nursing facilities and want to know which patients they see in each one. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Hospitalist Charges
This is a specific report for Hospitalists, as it totals the charges for specific procedure codes associated with that specialty.

Hospitalist Charge Counts
This is a specific report for Hospitalists, as it totals the charge counts for specific procedure codes associated with that specialty.

Insurance Charge Analysis with Expected Amounts
There are very few reports in your PM that utilize the expected amount that was added several years ago. As a result we have developed this report which shows you the number of charges, charge amount, expected and the percentage of the total group to buy insurance company.

Linked Transaction List
A simple report which shows you which CPT codes, modifiers and charges you have associated with a linked transaction. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

MMR / VZV Report
This report will show if a Patient under 2 years old have had their Measles, Mumps, and Rebella(MMR) or their Varicella Zoster Virus vaccination.
Monthly Procedure Code Analysis
This is a great processing to report that allows you to know how many times each procedure is done during the month. It allows you to look back an entire year and determined during any of the given months of that year which of your procedures were most popular.

Billings with a Non-Zero Balance (that appear as though they are zero balance)
One of the frustrations we have found is that sometimes a billing can APPEAR to have a zero balance when in fact it doesn’t. Specifically, there is usually a POSITIVE insurance balance due, and a subsequent NEGATIVE patient balance due of the same amount. When looking up the billings from charges and payments, they appear to have a true zero balance, and you have to go INTO each bill and check the lower right hand corner of the billing to be sure. This not only causes problems with the aging reports (showing an insurance balance due when there is none due because the patient did in fact pay), but also you cannot archive a billing that is not a true zero balance. With this report, you no longer have to find that proverbial “needle in a haystack” and can immediately zero in on just the problematic billings.

Multi-Practice Practice Analysis
This report was designed specifically for billing services that might be billing for multiple practices. Designed to mimic the practice analysis that already exists, this one allows you to select multiple practices at the same time and combine that information.

Patient Age at Date of Service
Do you need to know if you used the correct diagnosis code for your patients? This Excel based report does the math for you and compares the patient’s date of birth with the date of service and displays the difference in months.

Patient Diagnosis Codes
This report groups by patient and shows all of the dates of service for that patient and which diagnosis codes were utilized for each of those dates of service, showing up to 12 diagnosis codes.

Patients by Insurance
This report shows the primary and secondary insurance of the patient as well as the referring physician, some basic patient of demographic information, and the date of their last visit.

Practice List
This report will list the name, address, and phone number of each of the practices in your practice database.
Patient Geographic Report with Referring Provider
This report is really handy when you need to see where your patients referring provider came from. It breaks down each referring provider by zip code.
Payment Totals Report
This gives you an itemized list of all the insurance payments for each patient (by chart and CPT code). For each charge, the primary through tertiary payments are listed with the carriers. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Physician Quality Reporting (PQRS) Export
The PQRS report was the first report requested that utilizes the native excel export function in Reports Pro, so you won’t see a crystal report template, but what you do get is an exact export of exactly what you need to send to a reporting agent for PQRS reporting. Note: In order to get the report to work properly, you must make sure that under lists\providers the tax ID \ SSN is in the correct location, and you need to put the NPI you want on the report in the provider’s “home email” field. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Patient List By Location
As the name would imply, this report lists which patients have been seen in which locations as well as those patients phone numbers.

Charges and Payments Summary by Patient Code
This is another really powerful report commissioned by a billing service that really knows their stuff. This report summarizes charge and payment amounts in a given time period sorted and grouped by the patient code. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Patient Email and Mail by Appointment Dates
This report shows both the email address as well as the mailing address of patients given a range of appointment dates. You can use this report to send patients that are about to be seen specific information, or perhaps to recapture those patients who have already been seen to send them thank you cards thank you messages or specials about upcoming available procedures.

Patients Billed
The patients billed report gives you a listing (and subsequent total) of patients actually billed over a given period of time. The next time you want to know how many patients were billed last month, this report is the one you will need. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Payer Mix by Category
Very few reports utilize the insurance category as an output in the report rather than just a filter. This report allows you to figure out which of your insurance categories are most popular in your practice.

Payer Mix by Adjustments
If you ever wanted to know which insurance company requires the highest adjustments in a given time period, this report is for you. This report will tell you which primary insurance companies your patients have in their bills, sorted by the highest adjustment amount. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Payer Mix by Charges
If you ever wanted to know which insurance company results in the largest charge amounts, this report is for you. This report will tell you which primary insurance companies your patients have in their bills, sorted by the highest charge amount. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Payer Mix by Payments
If you ever wanted to know which insurance company or companies was most lucrative, this report is for you. This report will tell you which primary insurance companies your patients have in their bills, sorted by the highest payment amount. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Payer Mix by Patient Chart
If you ever wanted to know which insurance company was the most popular, this report is for you. The Payer Mix by Patient Chart will tell you which primary insurance companies your patients have in their chart, sorted by the most frequent. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.
Payer Mix by Visit Count
This report allows you to figure out which insurance companies are most popular based on sheer visit count.

Provider Activity Report
The Provider Activity report will show you the activity of each provider. It can show you the total visits each provider has had. Including new visits. It can show you how many charges the provider has made and the average charge per visit. I can also show how many payments they have received. This can be customized by date of service, entry date, provider, and so on. It’s a really powerful tool.
QCH Export
This very specialized report is a great example of the power of Reports Pro when a client basically asks for everything including the kitchen sink.I don’t even know where to start with this particular report. It contains a little bit of everything.

Referring Physician Analysis
A report which shows payments received by referring provider. Contains Patient Name, Primary Insurance, Billing Number, Facility, Date of Service, Charge Amount, and Payment Amount. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Reimbursement by Diagnosis
This report takes one of our most popular formats, that of showing reimbursements by procedure, and also includes diagnosis code information.

Reimbursement by Facility
Our popular reimbursement report sorted by facility then patient.

Reimbursement (Payment Application) Report
There are several reports that allow you to see payments entered in a given time period, they don’t do a very good job of showing you what those payments were entered TOWARDS. This report will show you the payments, but also show you the charge amount and CPT those payments were entered against. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Reimbursement by Facility Detail
Our popular reimbursement report sorted by facility then patient.

RVU Report
This is a very interesting report that takes the numeric value placed in the “unique type of service” field in the transaction code file, and uses that number times the unit count to determine how many RVUs you have billed for during a given period of time, sorted and grouped by Graphics Category, then provider code. This report also handles the CPT codes ‘44392’, ‘45378’, ‘45380’, ‘45381’, ‘45382’, ‘45383’, ‘45384’, ‘45385’ differently, in that they are not counted if they are on the FIRST line of a bill.

Transaction Code by Location
This is a simple excel report which shows the chart, billing, CPT code, entry date, and Location.

URI Report
This report will look to see if a patient has Diagnosis Code of J06.9 and a CPT Code of either 99203, 99204, 99213, or 99214. .
User Productivity Report
This report is GREAT for billing services or large medical offices with many users to manage. Supply the report with a set of ranges for time, etc. and it will return the number and amount of charges, number and amount of payments, and number of amount of adjustments each user has entered into the system, EVEN if those users have done work in multiple practices!!! We actually built special technology for this report allowing us to poll multiple practices and combine the data. If you already have Reports Pro installed, you may download an importable copy of this report here.

Well Visit Report
The Well Visit Report is great for pediatric offices. This report will look specifically for patients who were seen for CPT codes 99381, 99382, 99391, and 99392 before they have reached the age of 15 months. It will then calculate how many of those patients have had 6 or more “Well Child Visits” vs all patients seen during that time period who also turned 15 months old. IMPORTANT. For best results, you will want to use the same date period for both the “Dates of Service” and “15 Month Old Date” so that you can capture ONLY those patients who have turned 15 during that time period as the denominator.