Physicians Software Solutions is thrilled to bring our clients a complete and thorough fully integrated solution to handle not just your electronic claim submissions, but also complete claim tracking, claim status, eligibility, paper claims, ERAs, EOBs, task management and more with PSS EDI, powered by Practice Insight.
There are so many options for how to send your claims electronically, but such a wide variance in how well they work to make your life easier, and ensure timely payment for your hard work. After researching and being disappointed with many clearinghouses, we partnered with Practice Insight and built a system around their unbeatable service specifically for our clients which offers everything they need for one low monthly price. Here are just some of the things that set PSS EDI apart from anything else on the market today.
Send ALL of your claims, even paper ones!
Many clearinghouses really only support electronic primary claims for professional services. Not only does PSS EDI allow you to send CMS 1500 or UB04 claims, but it also supports primary AND secondary claims, and EVEN paper claims. That’s right…no more folding, stuffing, and mailing!
Automatically bill your secondary payers! PSS EDI is so clever, when you send a claim that includes a secondary payer, we create that secondary claim automatically. When the ERA comes back from the primary, we will automatically submit the claim electronically to the secondary payer. You don’t have to do anything except make sure the secondary has a payer ID and we are enrolled in ERAs from the primary. We handle the rest.
Get Comprehensive Claim Tracking and Management!
Most clearinghouses wash their hands of you once the claim leaves their office. From the moment you submit the claim, you can watch its progress through the claim process, from Sent to Valid to Batched to Submitted to Acknowledged, and even to paid or denied on the EOB. If your clearinghouse doesn’t track your claims all the way to the EOB, you are LEAVING MONEY on the table!
Your Work list at a glance!
With PSS EDI, you can create special “tasks” that track the things you care about most. For example, keep all of your claim rejections and even EOB denials in one place and work that list with ease. Fix those claims on the fly from within EDI Insight, or go back and resubmit them. Want to track the kinds of errors you are getting separately? Track claims for specific payers? Compare the average adjustment amount BY CPT codes? All of this is easy with PSS EDI.
Patient Cost Estimation!
Why do we let patients come in and receive hundreds or thousands of dollars’ worth of services without paying up front, then try to get them to pay months later when the insurance company finally processes the claims? Isn’t there a better way? Yes. With PSS EDI, you can hand the patient a print out of what the services are going to cost THEM before they run up that bill. Using eligibility data and past payment data from that insurance company, PSS EDI can estimate exactly what the insurance will reimburse for the procedures you are performing that day, and provide a concise report to the patient indicating why. This even takes into account the patient’s current co-pays and deductible amounts. There are literally NO OTHER services that offer this!
Integrated Eligibility!
Are you having your staff spend hours on the phone or on web sites every day checking to see if your patients are eligible? Worse yet, are you letting them come in and receive services and just hoping for the best? Can you walk into any store and walk out with hundreds or thousands worth of merchandise or services and just hand them your ID and say “bill me later for this, OK”? Why on earth do we let patients do this? PSS EDI will AUTOMATICALLY check your schedule and get eligibility information for those patients. It will then return that information, so that there are red, yellow, or green flags next to each name in the schedule. Press F9 to bring up details like Co-Pay and Deductible. We are the ONLY solution on the market that automates this process so easily for you!

Claim Status is a click away!
Is your staff spending hours upon hours placing calls to determine where your money is? Stop the madness! Claim status with PSS EDI is as easy as one right click and one left click. In many cases, the response is immediate!
PSS EDI automatically charges you the lowest fee every month! Sometimes you go on vacation. Some months you just don’t submit as much as others. While we have negotiated competitive package pricing with Practice Insight, we also offer these services on a per transaction basis. Since there is never a contract with PSS EDI, we spent months in development creating a system which allows us to
PSS AUTOMATICALLY re-rates your monthly fees based on whatever costs YOU the least!
You heard that right. We spent more hours in development than I would like to admit making sure that we can collect as little money as possible from you. My colleagues think I’m crazy. I think it’s the right thing to do. If you are signed up per claim and the bundle would have been cheaper, we will put you on the bundle for that month. If the inverse is true, we will automatically put you on the per transaction pricing. I can safely say, NO OTHER CLEARINGHOUSE and NO OTHER VENDOR offers that!
We do it all for you!
Perhaps my favorite feature of PSS EDI is the fact that you are working directly with PSS for the entire process. We take you through account setup, training, payer enrollment, and integration. We create your submitter ID and SFTP mailboxes on the fly. We are the ones you call if you have a question. Need support? Why not call the people who know you by name instead of some call center who treats you like a number? We have complete visibility into everything you do on PSS EDI, and can help you with anything, including those really weird payer rejections that plague you. The best part, we do all of this for FREE, and there are NO contracts or obligations.
What are you waiting for?
Clients who transition to PSS EDI often remark on just how much easier their job is, and they don’t know how they ever got along without it. Call 877-527-2407 today, or email Adam@emailpss.com to get started! We can have you submitting production claims within 30 minutes of your call! Nobody else can offer that level of service!